Horner Auction print & online 10-26



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Extraordinary Offering of +/- 717.75 Surveyed Acres of Humboldt & Clear Lake Township, Minnehaha County, SD Land – Including a Diverse Offering of Parcels - Including Parcels with High Percentages of Productive Cropland, Rural Acreage Construction Sites and 1 Parcel with Excellent Hunting & Wildlife Habitat

– All of These Farms are Located Near Humboldt, SD and Within Approx. 20 Miles of Sioux Falls, SD

We will offer ALL of the Following Parcels of Land at public auction with the auction of all farms to be held On Site at FARM #1 – Located from the NE Corner of Humboldt, SD (Jct. Hwy’s. 19 & 38) – Approx. 1 mile north on Hwy. 19 and 2 miles east on 257th St. to the SE Corner of FARM #1 at the Jct. of 257th St. & 459th Ave.


AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: This land will be offered in multiple parcels – some with very high percentages tillable, one that will be primarily pasture & Hunting/Recreational Land and another Located South and Adj. to I-90 SW of Humboldt, SD with a mixture an Acreage Site with Remnants of a Farmstead and a Mixture of Cropland/Pasture. This land will be offered as individual farms and in specific combinations, in a manner to allow both large and small operators to participate in this auction with the largest combination being +/- 481.57 Acres.


This Land will be Offered Individually as FARM #1 – TR 1A - +/- 7.50 Acre Acreage with a Tear Down Home – Excellent Site for Construction of a New Rural Home; TR. 1B - +/-153.19 Acres of High Percentage Tillable Cropland; TR. 1C - +/-201.49 Acres of High Percentage Tillable Cropland; TR. 1D - +/- 119.39 Acres of Cropland, Pasture & Hunting & Wildlife Habitat & Contiguous Combinations: 1A&1B - +/-160.69 Acres; 1B&1C - +/-354.68 Acres; 1A,1B&1C - +/-362.18 Acres; 1C&1D - +/-320.88 Acres; 1B, 1C & 1D - +/-474.07 Acres; or as 1A, 1B, 1C & 1D – The +/-481.57 Acre Combined Unit - With the Largest Combination Being Farm #1 in Its Entirety – A +/-481.57 Acre Combination.

FARM #1: +/-+/-481.57 Acres - LEGAL DESC.: The SE¼ and the N½ 2-102-52, Humboldt Twp., Minnehaha Co., SD. – TO BE OFFERED AS – Tr. #1A – The +/-7.50 Acre Acreage Construction Site; Tr. #1B – The SE 1/4 , Exc. the Acreage Site - +/-153.19 Acres – Being Mostly Cropland; Tr. #1C - +/- 201.49 Acres of Primarily Cropland – For the Most Part Being in the NE¼ & E½ NW¼; TR. #1D - +/- 119.39 Acres – Being a Mixture of Cropland, Pasture & Wildlife Habitat – Primarily in the W½ NW¼ and a Portion of the E½ NW¼; and as combinations of Contiguous Tracts.

All of the Cropland and Pasture Acres on FARM #1 are available to the buyer to utilize for the 2025 crop and pasture season. The Improvements on the Acreage/Farmstead (Parcel 1A) consist of a small 1 story home in “Tear Down” condition, although the property would be a nice location for re-establishment of a rural acreage as a site for construction of a new home, as the site has existing utilities, mature trees and other site improvements. The property is serviced by M’haha Comm. Rural Water and SVEA. Currently all of the Horner land in Section Sec. 2 is operated as one FSA operating Unit as Tr. 1773 of Farm 1110, which together FSA indicates consists of approx. 469.28 acres of Farmland, with 388.95 acres of Cropland with a 221.80 acre corn base, a 159 bu. PLC yield and a 139.60 acre soybean base with a 43 bu. PLC yield. By reference to the FSA aerial photo of FARM 1 – it appears that Tr. 1B (SE¼- FSA Field 3) has approx. 152.76 acres of cropland; Tr. 1C (FSA Field 2 in the N ½) has approx. 192.05 acres of cropland; and Tr. 1C (FSA Fields 1&5) has approx. 44.14 acres of cropland in FSA Field 1 and 72.61 acres of pasture/non-tillable acres in FSA Field 5. The cropland acres have a topography which is generally gently rolling to rolling; the pasture and non-tillable acres are comprised of grassland pasture and acres of water, lowland, wildlife habitat and roads. The pastureland acres have established grass with a rolling to somewhat hilly terrain, as well as some lowland and acres of water. According to the M’haha Co. Assessor the SE¼ has a County soil rating of .684, the NE¼ has a soil rating of a .627 and the NW¼ has a soil rating of .519; comparatively Surety Agri-Data indicates the SE¼ (Tr. 1A & 1B) has weighted soil rating of a 75.4; the portion of the NE¼ and the portion of E½ NW¼ incl. in Tract #1C has a soil rating of 74.9 and the portion of the NW¼ & W½ NE¼ included in Tr. 1D has a soil rating of 51. There is a Natural Gas Site on the south side of the property and there is a natural underground pipeline running diagonally through Farm #1. According to the previous tenant, there is some existing drain tile in areas of the property, incl. some older clay tile and some later tile that was installed by T.J. Kaffar Tiling. According to M’haha Co. P&Z TR. 1A & 1B in the SE¼ have a total of 12 Rural Housing Eligibilities – 1 locked to the existing acreage on Tr. 1A and 11 others on Tr.1B, with NO remaining Housing Eligibilities on Tr. 1C or 1D in the N½ of Sec. 2 as all of the eligibilities from these Tracts were transferred by the owner in 2016. The 2023 RE taxes payable in 2024 on the SE¼ (Tracts 1A & 1B are $4,435.14 and on the NE¼ are $2,848.26 and on the NW ¼ are $1,710.50.

FARM #2: +/- 80.25 Acres - LEGAL DESC.: The S½ NW¼, 36-103-52 Clear Lake . Twp., Minnehaha Co., SD. LOCATED - From FARM 1 Jct. of 459th Ave. & 256th St. – ½ mile north; from Humboldt, SD - (Jct. Hwy’s. 19 & 38) – Approx. 1 mile north on Hwy. 19 & 2 miles east on 257th St. to the SE Corner of FARM 1 at the Jct. of 257th St. & 459th Ave & 1½ miles north on 459th Ave. to the SW Corner of FARM 2. Farm 2 will be offered as an individual parcel. This is a choice parcel of land that is practically 100% tillable. The general topography of this land is gently rolling to rolling. According to FSA this farm is designated as Tract 1775 of Farm #1111 and is indicated to have approx. 78.40 acres of cropland with a 28.20 acre corn base with a 149 bu. PLC yield and a 28.20 acre soybean base with a 41 bu. PLC yield. According to the M’haha Co. Assessor this farm has a County soil rating of .634; comparatively Surety Agri-Data indicates this parcel of land has a weighted soil rating of a 73.1. According to M’haha Co. P&Z FARM #1 has a total of 2 Rural Housing Eligibilities – with 1 available & 1 by conditional use. The 2023 RE taxes payable in 2024 on this farm are $1,365.56.

FARM #3: +/-155.93 Acres – LEGAL DESC.: The SE¼, Exc. Lot H-2, 8-102-52 Humboldt Twp., Minnehaha Co., SD. - TO BE OFFERED AS – Tr. 3A - +/-6.47 Acre Acreage Site with Remnants of a Farmstead & Trees; Tract 3B - +/-149.46- Acres of Cropland and Pasture or as Tracts 3A&3B Combined the +/-155.93 Acre Unit. LOCATED - From the Humboldt, SD Exit #379 on I-90 – Approx. 1/8 mile south on Hwy. 19 (456th Ave.) & ½ mile west on 258th St. to the SE Corner of the Land (The SW Corner of the Land is at the Jct. of 455th Ave. & 258th St.). This +/-155.93 Acre Farm will be offered as 2 individual parcels or as a combined unit, with Tr. 3A consisting of a +/-6.47 Acre Former Farmstead with a gravel driveway & existing trees, along with some remnants of the former farmstead; Tr. 3B - +/-149.46 Acres of Cropland & Pasture; or as Tr. 3A&3B – The +/-155.93 Acre Unit. According to FSA Farm 3 is identified as Tr. 1774 of Farm 1111 and as such is indicated to contain approx. 150.78 acres of Farmland with approx. 142.52 acres of cropland which appears to be overstated, as presently it appears that only a 79.61 acre field, an 11.18 acre field and a 1.86 acre field – for a total of 92.65 acres being currently under cultivation; with a 47.70 acre corn base with a 149 bu. PLC yield and a 47.70 acre soybean base with a 41 bu. PLC yield; with the non-tillable acres comprised of the farmstead, pasture, dugout and roads. According to the M’haha Co. Assessor this farm in its entirety has a County soil rating of .456; Surety Agri-Data indicates this parcel of land has a weighted soil rating of a 53.1. The general topography of this land is gently rolling to hilly. According to Minnehaha Co. P&Zoning this parcel as a whole has a total of 4 rural housing eligibilities with 1 locked to the existing acreage site & 3 addt’l available, thus if sold in multiple parcels 1 eligibility will remain assigned to the existing acreage site (Tr. 3A) with the remaining eligibilities to be assigned to the remainder (Tr. 3B) in accordance with and as currently assigned by M’haha. Co. P&Z. The 2023 RE taxes payable in 2024 on Farm 3 as a whole were $1,468.48.

TERMS: Cash – A 10% non-refundable earnest money payment sale day the balance on or before Dec. 30, 2024, with full possession for the 2025 crop year, subject to the rights of the existing tenants and their leases which expire on March 1, 2025. The RE licensees in this transaction are acting as agents for the seller. Sold subject to confirmation of the Trustees. To view full auction ad, drone video, aerial maps, soils data and other information visit www.suttonauction.com. To make arrangements for absentee bidding contact the auctioneers.


James Horner & John Horner – Co-Trustees


CHUCK SUTTON – Auctioneer & Land Broker – ph. 605-336-6315

& JARED SUTTON, CAI – Auctioneer & RE Broker Assoc. – cell ph. 605-864-8527;

TERRY HAIAR – RE Auctioneer – Alexandria, SD – ph. 605-239-4626 and

TOM & TED SOUVIGNIER – RE Auctioneers & Broker Associates

– Canton, SD – 605-987-2404
SD: Mitchell
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