TOPS MN #775 - Take Off Pounds Sensibly, an affordable weight management program. Meets on Friday mornings. Weigh-in is at 8:00am. Meeting is at 8:45am at the Alexandria Senior Center. For more information call, 320-492-3825, if no answer - leave message.
Free transportation via private aircraft for patients medically uncomfortable/unable to travel long distances in an automobile. Must be ambulatory. For details: or or call JConn at (320) 304-2050.
AMAZING JOURNEYS SUPPORT GROUP FOR WEIGHT LOSS- Monthly meetings will generally be on the 2nd and 4th Monday of each month for anyone who had weight loss surgery or is on a weight loss journey for the management of obesity. This is open for those who are considering weight loss surgery. We will…
Seniors: There are many resources available in Douglas
County. Call Douglas County Senior Services for help in
finding services that you might need. Call 320-762-3047.
Stronger Together Caregivers Support group meetings are held on the second Tuesday of each month from 2 - 3pm here at First Lutheran Church 1655 18th Av E.